My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Sixtyone – Get Caught!

You exit the doctors office, hand in hand. You can feel Rumlows smile, even if you don’t look. And you feel the butterflies dancing in your stomach. This is happiness. And you haven’t felt this way, in forever. You know he’ll always be here for you. Protecting you, supporting you. You feel completely safe.

When he opens the car door for you, you finally look at him. His hazel brown eyes looks happy. Like this is a dream come true for him. And it is for you as well. Although you know nothing about babies, and being a mom. You feel safe, happy. You’ll do this together. You and Brock. It will be amazing, perfect.

Just this last thing with Pierce. That’s the only thing standing in your way. Maybe you should just run away. Leave Pierce alone. Change your names, and move away. To another country perhaps. Just leave all of this behind. Start fresh. That seems more safe. To Just forget that Pierce ever existed.

You look over at Rumlow.

– I love you, Brock. You know that, right?

He looks at you, sends you a smile.

– I love you too, YN! Something wrong?

You look down on your stomach. Now that you know who’s in there. This whole thing with Pierce feels more dangerous. What if something goes wrong? What if you or Brock get hurt? What if…

– YN?! Do you have second thoughts?

– No.. Not about her..

You place your hand on your stomach.

– I’m just not sure about this whole Pierce situation..

Rumlow clears his throat.

– What do you mean?

– What if something bad happens? What if you or I… or she.. get hurt. Maybe we should just leave this. Move away.

Runlow takes your hand. Kisses it.

– I get where you’re coming from, YN. But if we don’t do this. If we don’t take him down. He’ll follow us. He’ll never let this go. As long as he’s alive, we’ll never be safe. SHE’ll never be safe. You heard what he said.

You don’t answer. You just nod. You know Rumlow’s right. You did hear what Pierce said. And although you don’t understand why he said it, or why he planned everything the way that he did. You know that he meant every word.

– Bro…

You start. But a beeping sound on his phone cuts you off. He stops the car on the hard shoulder, picks up his phone, reads the message. His face goes pale. His usually dark skin, literally goes almost white. Something is up. Something serious. You look at him. You want to say something, but you have no idea what to say. After a while he gives the phone to you. It’s a short message from Jack. Not many words, looks like he wrote it in a hurry. But the message is pretty clear anyway.

“Plan B. They got me!”

Rumlows phone beeps again. You give it back to him. He takes it, reads the message, before giving the phone back to you. Dixon this time. You take a deep breath. Things just got really real. And even if you wanted to run. You can’t now. You can’t leave Jack behind. You can’t leave him. After everything he did for you.

“They got to Jack. Get ready. They’re coming for you next!”

You look at Rumlow. A tear escapes your eye.

– What is plan B?

– Get caught!

Rumlow answers, fast. No more explanations. Just those two words.

– What if they kill us?

You ask, your voice shaking.

– They won’t they’ll need information.

– So.. Torture then…

You ask, looking at Rumlow.

– Err.. Pierce knows that won’t work on Rollins or me. He’ll probably use you against me.

You swallow. Use you? Against him?

– Is he… Will he hurt me?

Rumlow takes a gentle hold of your face. Kissing you.

– He won’t be able to do that..

Another kiss.

– I won’t let him get that close.

You look into his eyes for a bit. It looks like he believes in what he says. But you’re still not convinced. You’re scared. To let them capture you. It doesn’t feel safe at all.

– But if they get to us..

You don’t get to finish, before he cuts you off.

– Trust me, YN. I won’t let him get to you. I’ll NEVER let him hurt you. Or her..

He puts his hand on your stomach. Before looking into your eyes again.

– I’ll rather have him kill me! He’ll never get close to you!

You close your eyes, and lean your forehead into his.

– Brock….

You say, before he cuts you off again.

– YN… Don’t! It’s my JOB to protect you. You’re carrying my child. I’ll protect you with my life.

– I… We can’t live without you, Brock!

He kisses you again.

– You won’t have to, YN. We’ll get out of this. Together. Trust me! Let’s go home.

Home? To the apartment? Isn’t that like the first place they’ll look for you? How can that be safe?

It’s almost like he can read your thoughts.

– We have to, YN! This is plan B. To get caught. That’s the only way into SHIELD. The only way into his office. The only way to expose him. You know what to do, YN. You remember your part, right?

You nod, slowly. Shit just got real!


You go to bed fully clothed. You know you’ll have to move fast, when shit goes down. It’s uncomfortable with all the gear on you both, but you’re not going to sleep, so you try to adjust in the bed, to find a semi comfortable way to lie. Rumlows arms around you, as usual. Him whispering calming words in your ear.

– It’ll be OK, YN! I promise. Trust me.

– I’m scared, Brock!

– I know, YN. Just follow the plan. Do what we told you to do. And it’ll be fine. I love you. I’ll keep you safe. I promise.

You almost manage to fall asleep, to your surprise. Although the situation is scary as hell, Rumlow’s words calms you down. You’re half asleep, when a loud bang wakes you up. Rumlow tenses up right away. Rolls you out of bed. He lands on his back, you on top of him. He lifts his finger to his mouth, gesturing for you to be quiet.

Shouting from the living room. Doors being kicked in. More shouting. Footsteps. Rumlow kicks the wall, and a door opens. You look at it in shock. This you did not know about. A secret room, a secret escape route? What is this?

– Go!

Rumlow whispers to you. You look at him, shake your head. He kisses you.

– Go, YN!

– What about you?

You ask, tears falling from your eyes.

– Pierce will never believe that Dixon caught me on his own. You on the other hand. These guys, about to come in here. They’ll be rough. They’ll hurt me. Hurt you. I won’t let that happen. GO! Dixon will get to you. I’ll see you at SHIELD!

He kisses you, before he once again tell you to go. You do, walk into the room in the wall, close the door behind you. You can hear a lock. You can’t get back to Rumlow. But you can hear what’s happening in there.

You can’t make out how many men there are, but you get that there are many. At least four. Shouting, screaming. Rumlow screaming in pain. Men shouting your name. Rumlow screaming that they’ll never find you. More screams of pain. Your tears now streaming freely down your face.

Please don’t kill him. Please don’t. We can’t go on without him. You think to yourself, as you turn around. Through your tears you can make out lights on the floor. Probably showing you the way out. You follow them. Down some stairs, and through a long hallway. Finally you reach a door. You stop there for a while. What is on the other side of this door? Is someone waiting for you? Will you get a gun showed in your face on the other side?

You put your hand on your stomach again, take a breath.

– OK, Come on Abigail. Let’s go find daddy!

My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Sixty – Have You Thought About Names At All?

For the next couple of weeks, you lay out your plan. Brock and Jack are good at this, you just follow along. Both Brock and Jack have several safe houses around the City that SHIELD doesn’t know about. Having been best friends since the military, the two guys knew and trusted each other.

You knew that SHIELD had access to almost any weapon around, but the arsenal Brock and Jack have accumulated through the years, still takes your breath away. Every weapon known to man are there. From pepper spray and tasers, hand grenades and tear-gass to machine guns and small handguns.

None of them goes back to SHIELD. Too risky, they both say. Since Pierce actually saw them saving you. And Brock did what he did. Dixon feeds you with information whenever he can. And Brock and Jack gather up their military friends, stations them on various locations, to keep Pierce under surveillance.

To keep it from getting too obvious what you’re up to, you’re still staying in your apartment. But every time you leave, you turn on a silent alarm, so that you’ll know if someone is waiting for you when you return. The whole thing makes you feel like you’re in the middle of an action movie. It’s thrilling, but at the same time scary. You feel like Rumlow almost sleeps with his eyes open.

You try to go on with your daily lives. Going to check ups for the baby, shopping for baby stuff. Try to make everything seem as normal as possible. As Brock tells you, you can never be too careful. Grow an extra set of eyes in your neck. You can never know who’s who, when it comes to SHIELD. Pierce have people deep in his pockets, even people you might consider to be your friends.

Brock and Jack are good teachers. You already know combat, now you have to learn stakeout, and to be as Stealth as possible. And you don’t have much time to do it. Pierce feels like a bomb, a bomb that could go off any second. Will you be ready for that?


The night before your first ultrasound, you finally get some time alone with Brock. And since you decided that tomorrow, ultrasound day was going to be a day off. You can finally relax in his arms again. Without thinking plans, Guns and murder.

– How do you feel, princess?

He asks, as he caresses your stomach. It has gotten a bit bigger. At least you feel so. Brock doesn’t seem to mind.

– And how is he doing?

He leans down and places a kiss on your stomach. Smiles up at you, you smile back.

– I’m still pretty sure it’s a girl.

Another kiss on your stomach.

– Do you think we’ll find out tomorrow?

He asks, as he makes his way up to your face, kissing you.

– I don’t know. I have no idea when you can see that.

He lies down beside you. Just looks at you. His hazel brown eyes, radiating love.

– Have you thought about names at all?

You give him a little smile.

– Well, if it’s a boy. I thought maybe Jacob. I don’t know. I just always loved that name.

You say. You never thought about actually having to name a baby. And that you two together have to agree on a name.

– I like it..

He replies.

– And if it’s a girl?

You look away for a second. You’re not exactly scared. But you do wonder how he will react to your suggestion. You haven’t exactly talked about it much. And you don’t know if he really wants to. Maybe it’s too painful for him.

– What’s wrong?

He gently grabs your face, kisses you again, soft.

– You can tell me anything. You know that, right?

– I… I thought.. Maybe…. Isabella, after your mom..

You keep eye contact with him. Waiting for a reaction. He smiles.

– What do you think about Abigail Isabella?

You move closer to him, and he puts an arm around you.

– Abigail, huh?

You say, looking at him again.

– Yes. It means “fathers joy”. And that’s what she’ll be. And you of course.

You nuzzle your face into his neck.

– It’s perfect!

You answer, taking a deep breath. Taking in his scent. Hoping that you’ll remember this moment forever.


When you sit down to wait at the doctors office, you suddenly feel nervous. You grab Rumlows hand. He interlocks his fingers with yours, before looking up at you.

– Everything alright, YN?

You look down on his hand in yours.

– I don’t know. What if something is wrong? What if something happened when I…

Rumlow places a kiss on your forehead. Like he always does, to show how much he cares about you. And when he want’s to protect you.

– Medical gave you both a clean bill of health. And if there is something wrong, then we’ll deal with it together.

– But what if…

You don’t get to say anything else, before the doctor calls your name. You take a deep breath, before you walk into the office.

You both shake the doctors hand. Before he tells you to lie down, and lift up your shirt. You let go of Rumlows hand, while you lift up your shirt, only to grab it again the second you’re finished.

– This might feel a bit cold.

The doctor says, before he pours some gel on your stomach, and turns on the ultrasound. Moving the little device around your stomach. Measuring, writing stuff down on a piece of paper.

– As you can see there..

He points to the screen.

– A healthy, good heartbeat. And right here…

He points again.

– You can see the spine. Everything is perfect. She lives like a Queen in there.

– She??!!??

Both you and Rumlow say it at the same time.

– Oh. I’m sorry. You didn’t want to know?

Rumlow stands up.

– No, no harm done. You, were right, YN! A girl!

He leans down and kisses you.

– Abigail Isabella.

You say, smiling up at him.

– And she’s going to be such a daddys girl.

You add. Before Rumlow gives you yet another kiss.

– Can we get some kind of picture of her, you know from in there?

Rumlow is overloading with joy and pride. You can see it in his eyes. And that makes you love him even more.

– I’m sure she’ll look like you, YN. The most beautiful girl in the world.

He says, as he once again looks at the screen.

– I hope she gets your eyes.

You say, before you have to close your eyes, and let a few tears of joy escape them.

Everything is perfect, you’re going to be a mom. Just one more obstacle, and then life can finally start.

My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Fiftynine – I´m Gonna Kill Him!

It gets late before you’re finally discharged from medical. Rumlow never leaves your side. Holding your hand in his. Even when you’re driving home, he holds your hand. Like he wants to feel that you’re really there. Should you talk about what happened? You don’t remember much after you cut yourself. Just the fear, and that grusom thought that you would never be able to tell Brock that you’re pregnant.

You only found out this morning. That’s why you were late for training. You took one home test in one of the bathrooms, before going to medical to make sure. And the home test didn’t lie. They estimated 8 weeks. And you still can’t understand how you could not notice that you didn’t get your period for two months. A baby. You still can’t quite believe it.

Up in the apartment, Rumlow sits you down on the couch. Wraps a blanket around you, and places a kiss on your forehead.

– Do you want anything? Food? Something to drink? Anything!

You look up at him, smiling. He’s kinda cute when he’s this stressed out. But you do get where he’s coming from. You’d probably react the same way, if the tables were turned.

– Can I just lie down on your lap?

You ask. Tilting your head a little. He comes over and sits down on the couch right away. You lie down on your back, resting your head in his lap. Looking up at him. He puts one of his hands on your stomach. Smiling at you. Carefully moving his hand all over your stomach.

– I love you, YN. Both of you. So so much.

You look down on his hand on your stomach, before you look up at him.

– We love you too, Brock.


When it’s time for bed. Rumlow makes sure that you’re comfortably wrapped in blankets, and that your pillow is in the right place. He lets his hand rest on your head. Putting a pillow behind his back, before leaning against the headboard. You look at him.

– You’re not gonna sleep?

– No. Not tonight. I need to make sure that you two are safe.

He leans down kissing you.

– What about work?

You say, suddenly feeling guilty that you’re keeping him up.

– Don’t worry. I won’t go back there, unless it’s for one thing..

His expression suddenly hard.

– And one thing only!

You don’t have to ask. You get that he’s mad at Pierce, in a way you are to. But it could be a perfectly normal explanation to this. Maybe he can’t swim, or maybe he’s scared of water. If he was out to get you, he could have killed you a long time ago, or he could have just fired you after that incident with David. And you’d be long gone by now.

It’s no use to argue with him about this. At least not right now. You’re tired, and he is pumped full of adrenaline. You can talk more about this tomorrow. You feel safe with him watching over you, you fall asleep almost the second you close your eyes.

The sunlight peaking through the bedroom window wakes you up. You look over on Rumlows side of the bed. He’s not there. Did he go into work anyway? You stretch, and sit up. Yawn.

You hear voices from the living room. Brock and Jack…. And Pierce? What? You walk towards the door. No. Pierce isn’t here. But he’s talking. You try to listen. You don’t get everything, but you manage to snatch up some of the things he’s saying. What. The. Fuck!??! You can’t keep still anymore. This is insane. And if Brock knew this, why didn’t he tell you?

You push the door open, it makes a loud bang, when it hits a cabinet. Both Brock and Jack jumps in the couch. Turns towards you. Looks from you to each other, and then back yo you again. Then they look at a recording system of some kind, in front of them. Pierce’s voice still sounding from it. You swallow, looking at Brock. Folding your arms in front of your chest.

– Err.. Guess there’s no use in turning this off?

Jack says. Looking at Brock again. Brock has his eyes locked on you.

– You want to tell me what this is about?

You say, while walking over to the couch.

– Pierce… I recently learned that…

– OK. Someone who can actually talk! Jack! Explaine this!!

Your voice angrier than you intended, but to be honest, what you just heard Pierce say. Scares the living shit out of you.

– Err.. Well.. Dixon gave me this.. Right before… Right before you..

Jack let’s the sentence die out.

Furious, you take a seat between them, and once again press play on the recorder. Several voices. You know only two of them. Dixon and Pierce. By the sound of it, someone hid the recording device in a pocket or something. Pierce does most of the talking. Only a few times you can hear Dixon and those other voices answering. Not much else. But it’s not the voices that scares you. It’s what Pierce is saying.

Rumlow can feel that you tense up, so he puts an arm around you. When the recording stops for the second time, you lean your head against Rumlows shoulder.

– We’ll get him, YN! We’ll get him for this. I’ll fucking kill him myself!

Jack clears his throat.

– We have to make sure it’s real first. It could be a set up.

– It’s fucking real….

You grab Rumlows face. Kiss him quick. You heard on his voice where this was about to end up. And you do not want to go there.

– Jack is right, Brock.

You kiss him again

– It could be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.

Rumlow looks at you. You can see that he is mad, but at the same time, you can see that it’s not you that he’s mad at.

– Reasonable? You heard what he said, YN. What the fuck is reasonable with that?

– He could maybe try to set those other guys up..

You try.

– Pierce has absolutely NO reason for sending lower level Agents into a trap. Except for Dixon it was only new guys. You’ve trained longer than them, YN!

You take a deep breath. Look from Rumlow to Rollins, before looking back to Rumlow again.

– So..What’s the plan?

Rumlow gets up. Walks over to his gun cabinet, and gets his bag out, placing it on the floor in front of you.

– I’m gonna kill him!

You reach down in the bag, pick up a Glock. Checking the magazine, pushing it back in, before pointing the gun at the wall.

– You’ll need help.

You say, while getting up. Rumlow grabs your shoulders. Stops you.

– Hey.. Whoa.. There is NO WAY, you’re gonna come with. I said I’d protect you, and that’s what I’m gonna do.

– Right?

You say, nodding your head.

– Because I’m a woman. You of all people should know what I’m capable of. Both of you. You trained me for fucks sake.

Rumlow plants a kiss on your forehead.

– Because you’re pregnant, YN!

– Yes, I’m fucking pregnant. And do you know what the last thought that went through my head was, when I was in that water??!!??

You’re almost screaming to Rumlow. But you can’t help it. You want to help out with this. With what you just found out about Pierce, makes you furious.

Rumlow just looks at you. Shaking his head.

– That I’d never get the opportunity to tell you that I was pregnant! He tried to kill me, Brock! He tried to kill my baby! OUR BABY!!

Rumlow looks at you for a while. Before he leans his forehead against yours.

– OK! Alright. You’re in! But, please don’t do anything irrational.

He wraps his arms around you, pulls you close.

– Like you won’t…

You almost whisper into his neck.

My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Fiftyeight – You Should Listen To This!

Rumlow still holds Pierce down on the floor. Pierce looks at him, angry.

– Lt. This is unacceptable behaviour!

Rumlow doesn’t answer. Instead he turns towards Rollins. Looking at him, giving you another set of compressions, before once again blowing air into your lunges. Was that a movement?

Rollins places his palms on your chest again.

– 1-2-3-4-5…

You calf up water. Rollins quickly gets you in recovery position. Water keeps gushing out of your mouth.

Rumlow lets go of Pierce, lies down next to you. Leaning his head into the back of yours. Placing a hand on your stomach, feeling your breathing. Looking up.

– Thank you! Thank you, God!

Rollins looks at Rumlow, holding you. He’s never seen his friend like this before. So vonurable, soft. No question he’s in love with you. When he looks back up again. Pierce is gone.

– Hey! Where did Pierce go?

Rumlow looks up at Rollins.

– We’ll deal with him later. Let’s get, YN to medical.

You pass out again. Rumlow lifts you up, and carries you to medical.


They start to work on you right away. Rushing you away from Rumlow and Rollins. It’s like all the air suddenly goes out of Rumlow. He collapses on the floor. Burying his face in his hands. Rollins kneels down next to him. Placing a hand on his shoulder.

– She’ll be OK, Brock! You saved her!

Brock looks up at Rollins.

– How did you know?

Rollins takes the tape he got from Dixon out of his pocket. Gives it to Rumlow.

– You should listen to this. I don’t know if it’s autentic. But if it is…

Rumlow looks at the tape. Then he gets up, and walks towards the security room. Rollins follows.

Rumlow yanks the door to the security room open. The guards jumps. Looking at Rumlow and Rollins.

– Get the fuck out!

Rumlow commands. The guards quickly gets up, and leaves the room.

Rumlow sits down, Rollins does the same. Putting the recording in. Presses play. Placing headsets on their heads.

Pierces voice. Rumlow looks at Rollins. Shocked. They keep on listening, and Rumlows face goes from shock to pure anger, hatered. When the tape is done. He yanks his headset off, throwing it into the wall.

– I’ll kill him! I’ll FUCKING kill him!!

Rollins gets up as well.

– And if this is real. I’ll help you. We just have to make sure first.

– You heard what he said, Rollins! This is fucking real. I’ll kill him, you hear me!!??

– Let’s take care of YN first. She is the most important one now. Then we can talk about this. Plan this!

Rumlow goes back into the hall. Just for him to see them wheel your hospital bed into another room. He follows. Grabbing one of the nurses arms. She turns around.

– Please. Tell me if she’ll be allright. Is there something wrong?

The nurse smiles at him.

– Lt. Rumlow. YN is fine. We just have to run some additional tests to make sure that your baby is fine!

Rumlow lets go of the nurses arm.

– Our what?

The nurse flinches a little. Before looking at Rumlow again.

– Your baby! YN is 8 weeks pregnant. You didn’t know?

Rumlow takes a step back.

– I… She didn’t tell me. Can I see her?

The nurse smiles again.

– I’ll let you know the second we’re done. Just sit here and wait. I’ll be right with you.

Rumlow sits down in one of the chairs by the wall. Rollins sits down next to him.

– Is she allright?

– Yeah.. She’s fine.. I can’t believe she didn’t tell me…

– Tell you what?

Rumlow looks up at Rollins.

– She’s pregnant… I don’t even…

Rollins places his hand on Rumlows back.

– That’s fantastic!

Rumlow looks at him again.. Rollins stops..

– Isn’t it?

Rumlow shurgs.

– I don’t know a single thing about parenting. What if I screw up?

– You won’t. You love her, and you love that baby. You two… three will be fine.

Dixon shows up, with a new set of dry clothes for Rumlow. He takes them, and go to change. Dixon sits down next to Rollins.

– How’s he holding up?

– We got her back. Pierce is gone. Do you know where he went?

Dixon shakes his head. Looks down. Rollins clears his throat.

– Did he say anything to you? You’re part of the team, right?

Dixon looks up.

– I know you guys look down on me from time to time. Me being unable to keep a secret. Big mouthing everything.

– Why did you give me that recording?

Rollins is careful. Dixon could be in on this. Fishing for information.

– Listen Lt. You know I’m loyal. I’d never betray SHIELD. But I like YN. She is nice. And this thing. Giving you that recording.. That’s not betraying SHIELD. That is saving SHIELD.

Rumlow comes back. Stands in front of Dixon, extending his hand. Dixon gets up. Shakes Rumlows hand.

– Thanks, Agent! It’s highly appreciated! Stay on the inside, we might need it!

– Will do Lt. You can trust me!

– We sure hope so. Contact me on a secure line when you know more.

With a sharp nod, Dixon leaves. Rumlow sits back down.

– We’re putting him in extreme danger, Rollins.

– I know. But he gave me that recording. He knows what he’s giving up. He knows the risks!

Rumlow looks at Rollins again.

– Just make sure his family is safe. Put some of our military friends on that. We don’t know how far in this goes. We can’t trust anyone.

Rollins gets up.

– Right on it Lt. Let me know when you’re safe back home!

Rollins gives Rumlow a sharp nod, before he turns on his heels, walking away. Rumlow puts his face in his hands. Elbows on his knees. Takes a deep breath. He’ll kill Pierce. No matter the cost, no matter what it takes. He’ll kill him!

She’s pregnant. He’s gonna be a dad. She is going to give birth to his baby. Mixed with the guilt, pain, anger and that ice cold scare is a happiness he’s never felt before. Filling his entire body, all the way out to his fingertips. She’s pregnant. A baby. His baby. Is it safe to continue to be with SHIELD if he’s going to be a dad? Putting himself in harms way, when he has a baby and YN at home? What else other than SHIELD does he know?

– Lt. Rumlow. She’s ready now. You can see her!

Rumlow looks up. That sweet nurse from before stands before him. He gets up. Dragging his hands over his pants. Is this how a father dresses? He knows nothing about parenting. Nothing about babies.

He follows the nurse down the hall, and she opens the door for him. Rumlow takes a deep breath before he enters. Looking at you, sitting in the bed. You never looked this beautiful. Carrying his child. And at that moment, when he’s looking into your eyes. He knows that you, you two together, you’ll make this work. Whatever it takes, whatever the sacrifice. No matter what. For the rest of his life, he’ll take care of you and that baby. Caring for you, protect you, love you.

After he kills, Pierce!

My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Fiftyseven – NOT HER!

Rollins pov

– Lt. Rollins, you’re dismissed!

Fuck. He thought he would have more time. Say something to you at least. But no. Pierce has already put his plan into motion. After Dixon gave him that recording, he stayed outside in the hall waiting for you. Hoping to get to talk to you before your training. But then you were late. What is he going to do now?

The look Pierce gives him leaves no room for any kind of discussion. Pierce want’s him to leave. He tries to talk to you with his eyes. Try to tell you to stall for time. Or at least to be careful. Why did you chose this day to be late?

He turns to leave, and he can feel that you do the same behind him.

– Not you, Agent!

This is it, isn’t it? That moment, when he has to decide what to do. If the recording is autentic he’ll bring down Pierce himself, with Rumlow and Dixon. If he talks back now, that will be impossible. And if he’s fast, faster than ever before, he can make it. He have to make it.

He walks as calmly as he can out of the training area. The second the door closes behind him, he starts to run.

Rollins takes the stairs up the five floors from the training area up to the offices, several steps at a time. He knows that time isn’t on his side. But he can run fast, and so can Rumlow. They have to make this.

When he reaches Rumlows office he doesn’t even bother to knock. Just rushing in. Rumlow sits by his desk, doing paperwork with his coffee in hand.


Rollins doesn’t have time to explane. Not about the tape, not about anything. Just get back downstairs as fast as possible.

Rumlow lets go of his mug. Don’t even care about ruining the paperwork. It’s like everything happens in slow motion. If Pierce manages to go through with his plan. Rumlow is going to kill him. And with that, he’ll drag all of SHIELD down with him. It’s better to just get rid of Pierce. Rumlow could easily take over the position as SHIELD leader.

Rumlow isn’t asking any questions. He just runs out the door, after Rollins. Pushing people out of the way, to get downstairs as fast as possible. Leaving the office floor in disbelief. They reach the stairs, gliding down the railings.

Rumlow pov

He’d hoped for the paperwork to be done quickly, so he could watch you train. But Pierce insisted that he’d do this today. So now he was stuck up in this office. He hated the fact that he was breaking his promise to you. He told you he’d be there for you.

Two more cups of coffee, Brock. Just two more, then you’ll go down. You can finish this later. Pierce only said today, not what time.

He knew you were afraid of this water training thing, and he hated himself for not standing up to Pierce. You were more important than him. So much more.

He pours himself another cup of coffee, and try to focus on the paperwork. Dragging his hand through his hair. He takes a sip of his coffee.. Fucking cold. Fuck this shit. He promised you he’d be there for you. Screw this fucking paperwork.

He’s about to get up from his chair, when Rollins comes rushing in. The look on his face makes Rumlow go ice cold inside. Something is terribly wrong!


Rollins sounds desperate. A tone in his voice Rumlow’s never heard before. Don’t ask questions, Brock. Follow him! He drops his cup on top of the papers. Running after Rollins out in the hall. Pushing people out of his way. Not even bothering looking at them. The only thing on his mind is you.

He glides down the railings in the staircase. The two agents don’t say anything. The only sound they hear is the thumps when their feet hits the floor.

Rollins pov

He doesn’t even care what Pierce is going to say when he returns with Rumlow. He just rushes into the training area, to see Pierce standing at the edge of the pool, looking down in the water.

– Where is she???

He hears Rumlow shouting behind him.

Pierce just continues to look down in the water. Rollins follows his gaze….

…. Then he sees you. Lying on the bottom of the pool, a thin red line forming in the water around your lower stomach, from where you cut yourself with the knife.

– She’s in the water!

He yells at Rumlow!

Rumlow pov

– She’s…

That’s the only thing he hears Rollins say, before he spots you. Swan dives into the pool, and quickly makes his way down to you. You’re lifeless. Just like his mom was. He tries to drag you with him up to the surface. But your gearbelt is keeping you both under water.

Please, please don’t leave me YN. Not now! Not like this! He gets his knife out, and cuts your gearbelt off. Then quickly gets you to the surface. Rollins is there, helping him to get you out of the water.

Rumlow isn’t even looking at Pierce. His only focus is on you. He leans down to your face, listening if you’re breathing. Nothing!

– Not breathing!

He yells to Rollins. Rollins quickly gets down on his knees next to you, placing his palms on your chest. Then starts to push.

– 1-2-3-4-5-6….

Rumlow is looking at you, while Rollins gives you CPR. God, i never ask you for much. And I’m probably not the person you care the most for, given what I’ve done. But, just… Please.. Please don’t take her. NOT HER!

– 25-26-27-28-29-30 BLOW!

Rumlow leans down, and blows air into your lunges. Two times. Still nothing. Rollins continues to do CPR! Rumlow looks up at the ceiling.


He yells, as tears starts to form in his eyes.

– 27-28-29-30 BLOW!

Again, two blows into your mouth. Still nothing!

Rollins sits back, look at Rumlow. Shaking his head.

– No! You DO NOT stop now.

Rollins hesitates for a second, lifting his hands. Before placing one of them on Rumlows shoulder.

– She’s gone, Brock! I’m sorry.

Rumlow screams in anger and pain, before leaning his forhead against yours, letting his tears run free. Not bothering with who’s looking, or what they’ll think.

– No. She won’t leave me.

Rumlow again looks up at the ceiling.


He places his hands on your chest, and start to push.

– 1-2-3-4-5…

Pierce puts one of his hands on Rumlows shoulder.

– She’s gone Lt. Let her rest in peace!

Rollins looks up at Pierce.


He yells. The anger, frustration and pain in the room fills the air completely.

– 29-30 BLOW

Rollins leans down, and blows air into your lunges. Two times. Nothing.

Pierce squeeze Rumlows shoulder. Rumlow explodes. Putting Pierce to the ground like he was a piece of paper. Taking a firm grip around his throat.

– Continue, Jack! Don’t stop! Don’t you fucking stop!

Rollins continues. 30 compressions, 2 blows…

My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Fiftysix – Not You, Agent!

The weekend is fantastic. Just you and Rumlow, in bed, good food, tons of sex, hugs, kisses, he is so romantic. And he takes extremely good care of you. When Sunday comes, you’re almost sad to go to work again the next day. You could just stay here forever. But work calls. Literally, when Pierce calls Rumlow, Sunday evening to let you know that it’s time for your training in water. You’ve been dreading this. That heavy uniform of yours. You’re pretty good at swimming. Mastering all the different techniques. But with those clothes it will be hard, no matter how well trained you are.

Rumlow uses the remaining time you have left to teach you different techniques to keep yourself afloat. You listen to him, and although he makes you feel a little bit better, you’re still nervous for this water training thing.

– Listen, YN. I have some stuff I have to take care off. But I’ll try to be there for you. OK?

You give him a hug. He holds you close.

– That makes me feel a little better. But what if I sink?

Rumlow plants a kiss on your forehead.

– We’ve all been there. Rollins will be there. He’ll help you, if something happens.

– Good to know…

When you go to bed on Sunday, you’re beyond nervous. So it takes a while before you fall asleep. Listening to Rumlows calm breathing. Looking at him when he sleeps. God how lucky you are. To have him by your side.


You rush into the water training area. You’re late. You look at the time.. not that late. Only about ten minutes. Shit. You know how Pierce feels about being on time. And you weren’t wrong. He stands there, arms folded over his chest. Looking at you when you enter.

– Sorry, sorry. I know I’m late. I’m so sorry.

Pierce clears his throat.

– Well, Miss. YLN. Now that you’re here we should get started we don’t have all day.

Rollins takes a step towards you.

– Cut her som slack, Pierce! It’s only been ten minutes.

– Slack? If this was an actual fight. We both could have been dead by now, due to her inability to follow simple orders!

– I know! I know Mr. Pierce. I… I just had to take care of something. I’m really sorry!

Pierce gives your gearbelt to Rollins, and he helps you to get it on.

– Next tine you need to take CARE of things Miss. YLN make sure you do that on your own time. So you don’t waste mine!

It doesn’t seem like he likes you very much. But maybe this is just how he is. To toughen you up. And as long as Rollins in there, you feel kinda safe.

Rollins jumps into the water. Stands on some kind of platform. The water only reaches up to his hips. He’s taller than you, so the water would probably reach your stomach at least. You jump in. Yep. Your gearbelt is below water level. But, at least you can stand up.

– Remember, YN. Use my size against me. Just like I’ve taught you before. Winning has nothing to do with size. It has everything to do with…?

Rollins looks at you.

– Speed and precision.

– You need to be tactical. The water will slow you down. But it will also slow me down. The only difference is that the first one to get the upper hand, wins. If I pin you under water, you will eventually drown.

You swallow. Look at Rollins. God, you hope you’ll never end up in a situation where you actually have to use this.

– Miss. YLN. Ready?

Pierce looks down at you. You give him a nod, then turn your focus back to Rollins.

– Go!

Rollins reaches out for your foot, you easily see his attack, and move so he can’t reach it. Before quickly turning back against him, grabbing his arm, and throwing him over your shoulder. Placing your foot on his stomach when he hits the platform floor. Quickly removing it again, so he can stand up.

You turn towards Pierce. His face totally emotionless. Did he not like that you overpowered Rollins this easy.

– See, Pierce I told you, she’s a fast learner!

Rollins drags his hand through his wet hair as he speaks to Pierce.

– Nah. You’re being to soft on her. Give it your best shot, and she’ll go down like a twig!

– I wouldn’t count on it.

Rollins says, before totally out of the blue launches towards you. You block his attack yet again. Twisting his arm behind his back, and pushing his face into the water. Before you just as quickly release him.

Rollins turns towards Pierce again.

– She has been trained by the best. She knows her stuff. You should see how she’s handling knives. Rumlow taught her well.

– Kives huh?

Pierce keeps looking at you. You don’t care one bit for his emotionless face. But at least you showed him that you know how to fight.

– Fine that’s it for today. I guess you have some skills Agent YLN!

This is the first time today he called you Agent. And you don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Rollins get’s out of the water, before helping you up. Pierce is still just standing there looking at you. You start to remove your gearbelt.

– Keep that on Agent!

Pierces voice is harder than usual. He turns to Rollins.

– Lt. Rollins. You’re dismissed!

Rollins turns to leave, and you follow.

– Not you, Agent!

Pierce’s determined voice behind you. Rollins looks at you. You feel that he’s trying to say something to you with his look. But you can’t understand what. He gives you a sharp nod, before he quickly leaves.

You slowly turn towards Pierce. You’ve never been alone with him before. Not even when he put you in jail. There was still those other agents there. And now. His whole appearance makes you really uncomfortable.

– So, you know your way around knifes?

You swallow. What are you supposed to answer?

– Well. Br… Lt. Rumlow taught me well. As Lt. Rollins said.

Pierce picks up a knife from a table. Presents it to you.

– Then let’s see how good you really are!

Then he tosses the knife on to the platform. You look at it.

– What are you waiting for Agent? Get down there and pick it up! In a fight you should keep your weapons on you at all times.

You know that you shouldn’t disobey Pierce. But you don’t know what he wants with this. And you don’t feel safe, with Rollins gone.

– Agent!

Pierce almost screams to you.

You make a split decition to jump in the water to get the knife. You jump on to the platform, before leaning down, under water to pick it up. As soon as you get the knife in your hand, a sound is coming from the platform. You can’t quite place it, it’s muffled because of the water.

Suddenly the floor of the platform gives in under you. You have nothing to stand on anymore. And you can feel the gearbelt pulling you under water. You desperately trying to get up to the surface. But your gear is too heavy. You try to cut it off with the knife. But because you’re panicking you cut yourself, causing you to drop the knife. You open your eyes, looking up to the surface of the water. Pierce just stands there watching you sink.

Oh God! You’re not gonna die today. Not like this. Not now. Everything is finally coming together in your life. Not now. Not like this. You use your remaining energy to try to swim towards the surface. But there’s no use. Your lungs feels like they’re about to explode. You can’t hold your breath anymore.

You take a breath, filling your lunges with water causing you to calf, more water in your lunges. No. No. No. No.

This is it! You have so much left to do in this life. So much to say to Brock. So much to experience with him. You can feel the energy leaving your body, and everything around you goes pitch black….

My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Fiftyfive – Good Girl!

Rumlow lets his hands glide down your body.

– Mmmm..

You moan, your lips firmly shut, keeping the chain in your mouth. He looks at you, smiling.

– Good girl, keep it there..

Oh God! He gently pushes your legs apart. Sliding his hands up your inner thighs. Fuck! He leans down and plants a kiss on your lower stomach, before he lets his hand glide over you.

– Fuck!

You say, through gritted teeth.

– Later, princess!

He says, before gliding his tongue over you. You grab the headboard. Keeping your eyes on him. Fuck, how you want to touch him. He gently bites your inner thigh.

– Brock!

You’re already now struggling to keep the chain in place. And you have a feeling that he will drag this out.

– Shhh… Sweetheart! I’m gonna make you feel really good. Just stay still and take it!

You still keep your eyes on him. Desperately trying to stay as still as possible.

One of his fingers enters you, quickly followed by another. You suck in a breath. Rumlow lets out a little laugh, before he again lets his tongue glide over your clit.

– Mmmmm..

You moan again, dragging your head back, yanking the chain, you feel it. Shit! It hurts, but laced with the pain, is an excitement. A thrill. You moan again.

– Yes, Princess. Feel it!

He says, before closing his lips over you, pumping his fingers inside.

– Aaaaa.. My GOD!

It’s impossible to not open your mouth. The chain falls down. Rumlow looks up at you. Tilts his head a little, before smiling.

– Want me to take them off?

You shake your head. He makes his way up to your face. Kisses you. His lips tastes like you.

– Are you sure?

He asks. Before he kisses you again.

– Fuck me, Brock! Please!

You beg. Desperate to feel him inside. To feel his body pressed against yours, to taste him, smell him, feel him. He carefully removes the clamps, before letting his tongue glide over your nipples. They’ve never been this sensitive before. Fuck, how you want him.

– You want me inside?

He asks, before taking one of your nipples back in his mouth. You arch your back. Your arms still handcuffed over your head, you yank them. Rumlow looks up at you.

– Well, do you?

– Yes. Brock! Please.

He sits up. Looking at you for a while. Before he moves up to your face. You look at his cock. Already rock hard. When you think about it, this is usually how it looks.

– Now open that pretty little mouth of yours…

You open your mouth, desperate to taste him. His hands gently glides into your hair. Holding your head in place. You close your eyes. Savouring the taste of him, the feeling of him holding you immobile. You love this.

– Ah ah ah.. Eyes on me. Keep them on me.

– Mmmmahha..

You try to talk. But with his cock deep down your throat, it’s impossible to make understandable sounds. He pulls back. Just enough.

– Yes?

– I want you, Brock!

His lips goes up into a half smile.

– I can see that! It’s all yours. Take it!

He pushes himself back in. Your warm, soft, wet lips pressing around him, as tight as you can. He grunts.

– Yes! That’s it. You beautiful girl. Keep going! Aaaa. Fuck!

You love it when he reacts this way to the things you do. To look into his eyes, and really see how good you make him feel. You absolutely LOVE it. You could do this forever. He knows that.

– Fucking beautiful!

He grunts. Looking down on you. Carefully pushing himself down your throat.

– Do you know how fucking sexy you are, when you’re doing that?

He reaches for the handcuffs, opening them. Your hands instantly move up to his chest, touching him. Carefully up and down his chest, as he continues to slowly glide in and out of your mouth.

– To feel your hands on me. Your lips around me. I could do this forever!

He moves down on you again. Plants kisses all the way down your stomach.

– Brock…

You say while sucking in a breath, and reach for his hair. He quickly wraps his arms under both your thighs, grabbing your arms, and holds you in place. Lets his tongue glide slowly over you, before he looks up at you.

– Not tonight, YN! Tonight I work alone, without assistance!

You let your head fall back on the pillow. You’re not able to move your lower body, due to his grip.

– I have only one rule tonight….

Fuck! It feels like he’s expecting an answer. But you can’t say anything.

– You’re not allowed to touch me, unless I say so.

– Mmmm..

You say. Right now you can’t touch him, even if you want to. But feeling his breath on you, and his skin against yours, fuck how you want to. He lets his tongue glide over you once again.

– Fuck, Brock!

You gasp. He lets go of one of your arms.

– Keep it there!

He commands, as he slips a finger inside of you, and immediately joins in with another. You clenche the sheet. His lips closing over you again. You arch your back, the little you can move, with the way he’s holding you. A sound escapes him.

– I want you inside me, Brock!

You beg. He lifts his head. Before he slowly makes his way up to your face. Kisses you again. Before he let’s his fingers glide over your lips. You part them, without him telling you to. Swirl your tongue around them.

– Good girl…

He says, with ragged breath, before he enters you. Grabbing your shoulders. You lift your legs, and wrap them around him. Still not moving your arms. Just grabbing the sheets until your knuckles whitens.

– You can move your arms now, princess!

He says, while sitting up. Still inside you. He drags you up in his lap. Looking down on him, gliding in and out of you. You move your hands up to his thighs.

– Ah ah ah..

He says shaking his head. Before taking a hold of one of your arms. Leaning down, putting two of your fingers in his mouth. Before placing your hand down on you.

– Not me…. Touch yourself.. I want to watch you…

You’re still not used to him doing this. But you’re not blushing anymore. And this feels so good, you’ll do almost anything for you to come together. To moan and breath with each other. You slowly start to move your fingers over yourself. You can feel his hands grabbing your hips. But you keep your eyes on him. How his face reacts to what you’re doing. How you love to feel his eyes on you.

He ups the pace, you do the same.

– Fuck! Faster!

He grunts, and ups the pace even more. Squeezing your hips.

– B…. Fuck!! Aaaaaaaa.. My GOD!

You almost can’t make understandable sounds. The orgasm overtakes you. His moans mixed with yours, his hold of your hips, and the feeling of him inside you. It just gets better and better. It’s amazing.

He lies on top of you for a while. Whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You close your eyes and just take in the feeling you have when you’re with him. Everything is just perfect. You finally found your home, your safe place. This is where you want to be. With him, only him, forever.

My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Fiftyfour – Anything You Want Brock!

For the next week, you train with knifes. Rumlow teaches you just about everything he knows. And you excel this time too. Maybe you have a neck for this fighting thing. Even Pierce is impressed with how fast you learn things. But it takes it’s toll. Friday you’re exhausted. As soon as you enter the apartment with Rumlow, you fall down on the couch.

– YN? Is everything OK?

Rumlow is cute when he’s concerned. And he has been quite a few times this week. Not only because of the knifes. He keeps asking if you’re fine, like ten times a day.

– Yes, Brock. I’m just tired. This week has been… Packed. I need a weekend in bed.. care to join me?

He smiles at you.

– Now that’s a deal I want in on! Look, I’ll draw you a bath. Then you can relax in there while I make dinner. Sounds good?

You yawn and stretch.

– Sounds perfect! Just make sure I don’t fall asleep in there..

– Want me to join you?

He asks while extending a hand to you. You smile, and take his hand.

– Did you even have to ask?

You stand up. Still holding his hand.

– Come her!

He says, before he grabs your behind, lifting you up. You love it when he does this. Again you wrap your legs around his waist.

– What do you want me to do to you in there?

He whispers into your neck.

– Ahhaa.. Anything you want, Brock!

You can feel his smile against your skin.

– Really? Anything?

He gently bites your shoulder.

– Yes, Brock! I’m yours…

He carries you into the bathroom. Puts you down on the floor, and turn on the water. Then he turns back to you. Looks at you for some time.

– On your knees!

Oh, dominant Brock. You love him. How he commands you around the dirty talk, that alone makes you wet as fuck. How he pins your arms against the wall or behind your back. And how he grabs your hair. None of it hurts. He knows what he’s doing. And you know all to well what to do, to make him do all the things you love.

– And why is that Mr. Rumlow?

He tilts his head a little. Before he pushes you up against the wall. Pinning your arms over your head. Just like you love, just like he knows you love. You smile at him.

– If you keep playing this game Miss. YLN, I might have to punish you a little bit.

You send him a teasing smile.

– You should. Mr. Rumlow. I’ve been a bad girl… I deserve punishment.

– Really?

– Mmmm..

He leans in closer, his lips almost brushing over yours. You move to meet them. But he moves away.

– Ah ah… Bad Girl.. I want your lips on other parts of me..

He lets go of your arms, and start to undress. You do the same. Clothes falling to the floor. Before he again commands you to get to your knees. This time you oblige. He gently takes a hold of your hair, guiding your face to where he wants it. You put your hands on his hips. Look up at him, looking down at you.

– Now open that sweet little mouth of yours…

He don’t have to ask twice. You love to do this. To see his eyes, as you swallow him down. To feel his legs shaking under him when he’s close to coming. To feel his hands in your hair, to hear his moans. Fuck. So hot.

– Yes! Aaaaaa.. Fuck.. Like that. You sweet little thing..

You carefully drag your head back, let your tongue swirl around his tip. The slightly salty taste of his precum hits your tongue. Fuck, you want more. Something wet hits your knees. You move your eyes over to the bathtub. Water pouring over the edges of it.

– Ehh.. Brock?

He looks at the tub. Lets go of your hair.

– Fuck!

He quickly turns the water off. Before he casually enters the tub. Sits down. More water pouring over the edges. He gestures for you to join him.

– Err.. Shouldn’t we clean up?

– Nah.. It’s already soaking wet. Just like you I think. And right now all I want is you.

The way he says it makes your belly clench. Fuck, how you want him. You enter the tub. Start to sit down.

– Stop!

He commands. Before seizing your behind, and burying his face between your legs. Shit! Fuck! Your legs are about to give in under you.

– Fuck! Brock..

– Mr. Rumlow!

He murmurs into your wet flesh, before he lets his tongue glide over you. You grab his hair. Your legs shaking. Fuck!

– I… I.. Mr… fuck!

A long slow lick, before he looks up at you.

– Sit down on me!

You take a deep breath, before you slowly strattle him. More water pouring over the edges of the tub. He doesn’t seem to mind that his bathroom is about to be water damaged. He is there, rock hard, waiting to enter you.

He grabs you the second you start to sit down on him. Plunging upwards. Pulling you close. It feels incredible. The two of you moving, breathing, moaning together like you were one. His lips on your skin, savouring the taste of you.

He grabs your shoulders from behind, pushing you on to him. The way he hits all your nerves, all the right spots.

– Aaaaa.. Fuck, Brock!

He’s holding you tight. Wiggles himself.

– Aaaaaa My God!!

– You like that, princess?

He whispers in your ear.

– Yes! Fuck, Brock…

He pulls himself out.

– Brock, please…

You beg.

– Come here, princess. Let’s continue this another place!

He gets out of the tub. Takes your hand, and you follow him into the bedroom. You’re both still soaking wet from the tub.

– Get on the bed!

He commands. Voice soft, but still a command. You know him that well. You lie down on the bed. Look up at him with anticipation.

– Please, touch me Brock!

– Shhh.. Princess! You said I could punish you, right?

You swallow. He has a plan.

– Yes!

– Good!

He walks over to his cabinet of toys. Back against you. He takes out a couple of things. Small things as it look. You can’t quite see what it is. And even if you did. You’re not that familiar with toys such as his.

He turns around and walks over to you. A small chain, and something else. But you have no idea what it is.

– You know what this is?

He asks. You shake your head. He continues to secure each end of the chain to the two small things.

– These are nipple clamps…. one will go there…

He carefully bites your right nipple.

– And the other one will go here..

He leans down and carefully bites the other one.

– And this….

He presents the chain to you.

– This will go here…

He puts the chain in your mouth. Before he proceeds to put the clamps on your nipples. It’s not that tight. But it’s tight enough, and if you arch your back or pull your head back. You’ll yank them. And that’ll hurt.

When he’s done he just sits on top of you. Looking at your peaking nipples and the chain in your mouth.

– And of course there is these…

He lifts up his handcuffs. Leans over you, and secure your arms to the bedpost. You’re immobilised….

My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Fiftythree – Where Are Your Parents?

Rumlow removes a couple of hairs away from your face. You open your eyes, and he gives you a smile.

– Welcome back..

You look around. You’re lying in the bed, a blanket over you.

– Back?

He kisses you.

– You fainted on me..

What? You fainted? Is that even possible?

– How… How long was I out?

Another kiss, another smile.

– A couple of minutes. Everything OK?

– Err.. Sure.. I.. I fainted?

He laughs a bit.

– Yes. That was something new.

– I fainted?

You mutter to yourself, as you roll over on your back. So that’s what you felt, when that euphoric feeling came over you. That was definitely something new.

Rumlow gets the blanket over himself as well, puts an arm around you.

– You know I love you, right?

You turn your head to look at him.

– Yes! And I love you too. Why do you ask?

He’s nervous. You can see it in his eyes.

– I’m sorry that I fainted. I didn’t mean to scare you.

Yet another kiss.

– That was fucking amazing, YN! You didn’t scare me. I got to take care of you. Like I want to do. Always.

– Then what is it?

He cleares his throat.

– Where are your parents?

You stare up at the ceiling again.

– Oh that… I should have known that this would come up at some point..

His arm holds you a bit tighter.

– You don’t have to tell me, YN. If it’s too hard.

– It’s not hard. Not like your story anyway. It’s actually kinda stupid.

– Do you want to talk about it?

You sit up. He sits up as well. Puts a hand on your back. You send him a little smile, before you get up from the bed, put some clothes on.

– I’ll tell you, Brock. But I really need food.

He gets up as well. Puts his sweatpants back on, before coming over to you, and wrapping you in a hug.

– I’ll order some food. Make yourself comfortable on the couch. Wine?

You look up at him, kiss him again.

– Wine sounds nice. And maybe some more of that Italian food.

– Italian food is it. Now go sit down.

About 30 minutes later, the food arrives. Rumlow sits down next to you, and puts some of the food on your plate. Hands you a glass of wine.

– So..

– Yeah.. My parents..

– Will I ever get to meet them?

You take a sip of your wine.

– I highly doubt it. Sorry.

– They’re still alive….. Right?

He sounds almost scared.

– Yes. They’re still alive…

You answer fast. Without thinking.

– If you can call it that…

You add..

– Bad people?

You take a breath.

– Err.. Not bad maybe. They’re overly religious. Like in a way I can’t even describe. I grew up with tons of rules and regulations. I felt smothered. So when I became a teenager…

You look at him. He takes your hand.

– I acted out. Went to parties, joyrides, blew up mailboxes… Stuff like that. And when I got my first boyfriend.. I ran away from home, with him. They found out of course. When you’re 16 years old, you’re not that good at hiding. Needless to say that relationship went to hell.

You take another sip of your wine. Rumlow isn’t saying anything. He’s just waiting for you to continue.

– Of course that didn’t help my rebellious faze. I got a new boyfriend. And… well.. Then our Minister found out that I lost my virginity. Don’t ask me how he found out. And well.. You’re supposed to wait with that until marriage. So I was thrown out of our congregation. And then…

You look at him again. How are you going to explaine this next part to him. You’ve always felt that everything that happened after that was your fault. That’s probably why you never asked for help. You just kept quiet, for years. What if he thinks so too.

– Yes?

He asks, while putting his arm around you.

– They gave me to David. He was a family friend. And.. Well they ment that he could take care of me. That he would eventually marry me, and make an honorable woman out of me. We all know how that went..

He pulls you into him. And you start to cry.

– I always thought everything was my fault. So I never asked for help. I told my parents the first time he assaulted me. They didn’t care. Said it was my punishment for turning my back to God.

He’s not saying anything. He just holds you. Protecting you. Like he always does. And he lets you cry out.

– So…

He cleares his throat.

– You haven’t been talking to them for..??

You look up at him. Dry your tears, and take another sip of the wine.

– Going on 10 years now. I was 19, when they handed me over to David. Not counting that phone call I made. I’m all alone, Brock.

Again he kisses you. A long kiss. Like he never wants to let you go.

– You’re not alone, YN! I’m here. I’ll always be here. With you. Always. Remember that!

You don’t know what to say. You know that he’s telling the truth. But the fear of being abandoned is stronger.

– And…

He continues. Contemplating is he should tell you this.

– Well. I’m Catholic. And I can tell you one thing for sure. What you went through with…. him….. That wasn’t a punishment from God. God doesn’t punish people.

You take another sip of your wine, Rumlow refills your glass.

– How do you know that? How can anyone know that? What if I’m just a bad person?

– You’re not a bad person, YN! And as to how I know that God doesn’t punish people. What could 8 year old me possibly have done to deserve that kind of punishment? God isn’t responsible for the bad things in the world. Sometimes bad shit just happens. It has absolutely nothing to do with the man upstairs.

You look at him again. He always manages to say all the right things at all the right times. How do you respond to this?

– Thanks for the wine..

He smiles.

– You’re welcome. But maybe we should eat a bit too.

– Yeah…

You say with a little laugh..

– Thanks for the food too.

You take a bite. It is if possible even better than last time. And it compliments the wine.

– Good?

– Perfect, Brock! Perfect.

He lets his hand rest on your thigh for a while, before you both go back to enjoying your food.

You’re happy that you told him. It’s been eating at you for some time now. The reason you left him that day in the apartment, and that night at the hotel. You were scared that he’d leave you. Just like everyone else in your life had done. But he’s still here. Even though he knows everything. He’s still here. Taking care of you, comforting you, protecting you. Maybe it’s time you start to believe that…

My Saviour (Rumlow X Reader) Chapter Fiftytwo – I Love You, YN!

The sharp blade easily cuts through the thin strap on your bra. Rumlow stops for a second, looks at you. You slowly nod your head.

– Please, Brock! Undress me.. I want you!

He carefully cuts off the other strap. Continuing to look into your eyes.

– I trust you Brock! Just like I did the first night we met. Just like I do now. You won’t hurt me.

He takes a breath. Before he takes a hold of the front of your bra. Drags you up. Before letting the knife cut your bra in half, exposing your breasts to him.

– Fucking perfect!

He says, before putting the knife down on the nightstand, and burying his face between your peaking breasts. You gasp, grabbing his hair. You can already feel his erection through his thin sweatpants. Trying to break through, into your wet flesh. Rumlow lets out a moan into your skin.

– Fuck, Brock!

He lifts his face, looks at you. Before sliding his hands down your sides, grabbing your remaining underwear.

– Brock!

He stops. Again he looks at you.

– I need to be inside you, YN!

The words makes you float over with wetness.

– Then, remove my underwear. Fuck me, Brock!

He reaches for it again. You grab his face, and kiss him.

– No, Brock! With that..

You look at the knife. He looks at you for a bit, before he makes up his mind. Did you push him over the edge, or did he suddenly understand that he can do this, without hurting you? By the look in his eyes. Dominant Brock is definitely back.

He shifts in the bed, so he’s sitting between your legs, instead of on top of them. Before he quickly removes his sweatpants. You watch his every move. Eagerly waiting for his next move.

– So you want me to use this, huh?

You don’t answer. Dominant Brock is back, and you want him to do indisplicable things to you. He lets out a little laugh.

– Bad Girl!

He grabs your hips, pulling you up in his lap. Before he takes the knife from the nightstand, and cuts your underwear off. Leaving you exposed to him.

– Mine

He hisses.

– Yours

You respond, almost without thinking. Then he lifts your lower body up, and lets his tongue glide torturously slow over you. You try to buck your hips. But he’s holding you in place.

– Shhh, princess. It’s my turn now!

Again his tongue over your wet slith.

– Please, Brock!

He slowly closes his lips over your clit. At the same time he’s smiling down to you.

– Fuck!

You say it while sucking in a breath. He lifts his face his lips glistening from being on you.

– Do you have any idea how incredible you taste?

– God! Don’t stop!

You try to buck your hips again. But this time he places you back down on the bed.

– B… Brock.. Please..

He makes his way up to your face. You reach for his hips, to push him down on you. Desperate to feel him inside. But in one swift move he pins your arms over your head. Holding them in place using one of his hands. Then he kisses you. His soft lips on yours. Tasting like you and him mixed together.

His free hand travels down your stomach, before teasing your entrance, and smearing your wetness over your sensitive parts. You let out a moan into his mouth.

– Yes! That’s it! Tell me you like it. Tell me you want it!

– I want you, Brock!

He lets two of his fingers enter you. Letting go of your arms. You move them instantly grabbing for him.

– Fuck, B… Brock.. D… Don’t stop!

He sits up. Looking at his fingers moving inside of you, and your walls gripping around them. Desperate to keep them inside.

– You want to come?

– Fuck, Brock!

He stops, slowly dragging his fingers out.

– No, Brock. Please…

Again he makes his way up to your face, takes a gentle hold of your throat, dragging his wet fingers over your lips, before kissing you.

– Do you want to come?

– Yes, Brock!

Your words almost desperate. He leans down, let his tongue touch your earlobe, before whispering in your ear.

– Then beg for it!

– Ahhaaaa… Please, Brock!

He sits up again. Lets his thumb glide over your clit.

– Gooooood! Please, Brock… Fuck..

– Please, what?

– I want… I need.. I want to come! Please make me come… Pl..

Slowly he places one of his hands on your lower stomach, before he again slips two fingers inside of you, and then he starts to move them. It looks almost violent what he’s doing. But fuck how intently good it feels. You vision blurry, your hearing muffled. The intense warm feeling spreads throughout your body, before exploding in your lower stomach, sending waves of enormous pleasure to every part of you. You feel like you can’t even breathe. Between the moaning and screams of pleasure, you try to keep your lounges filled with air.

Your orgasm is so intense you don’t even realise that he stops. Carefully pulling his fingers out. And plants a kiss on your lower stomach.

– You’re so fucking beautiful. You know that?

You can’t answer. You can barley see clearly. The only thing you manage to do right now, is to breathe. Gods above that was fucking intense shit.

When you start to come back to reality again. Rumlow drags you up in his lap. Your legs on each side of him, giving you the ability to feel his erection against you. But he doesn’t enter you. Instead he takes your hands, and places them on his abs. You explore. Every inch, every part, every muscle. His firm and strong upper body feels amazing underneath your fingertips. The whole time he looks at you. Marveling how you react to the feeling of him against your fingertips.

– I want you, Brock!

Your words soft, almost like a whisper. He takes a hold of your waist, pulls you close to him. Before he slowly and carefully enters you. Filling you up inch by inch, all while resting his forehead on yours, looking into your eyes.

When all of him is buried inside you. You stop for a second, just looking at each other, before you start to move together, savouring that amazing feeling of being this close to one another.

– I love you, YN! Mine!

– Yours, Brock!

– Turn around…

His words lingers in the air for a second. Before he pulls himself out of you. You quickly turn around, desperate to have him inside again. And he wastes no time entering you again. Your walls gripping around him, instantly. The way he’s moving, hitting every single sensitive spot. He takes a firm hold around your waist, lifing your upper body up, so you’re on your knees on the bed. Back against him, his lips on the back of your ear. Him breathing heavily. Then he starts to move. The angle he’s hitting your spot, his arms holding you tight, pressing your bodies together.

– Aaaaahhaaa.. Fu… Brock..

– Yes! Grip around me! Feel every inch of me when I’m fucking you.

His words sends waves through you. You lean your head as far back you manage, as he continues to massage your walls every time he moves inside of you. He can feel that you’re close. So he slows down.

– Brock… Please!

Again he whispers in your ear.

– Tell me you want to come…. Beg me, to make you come!

Your legs like gello under you. The only thing that’s holding you up, is his arms around you. You can’t even move with him. That’s how close you are.

– Please… Brock… I… I need…

He gently bites your ear, and one of his hands caressing one of your breasts.

– Plhease… Make me come, Brock!

His grip around you tightens even more. He’s holding you in place. Then he ups the pace. Moving himself inside of you, like you were one. Grunting his own pleasure in your ear.

– You’re so tight around me. So tight… Come for me, YN! Now!

It’s like the whole world around you disappeares. Every sound, every sight, everything but a bright light and the intense ringing in your ears. It’s Euphoric. You can feel in your chest that you’re screaming out your orgasm. But you can’t hear anything. This is the most intense thing you’ve ever experienced, and God how you hope you can experience it again.

– I love you, YN!